The Tiger's Editor-in-Chief is spending her summer days and nights at Fox News in New York City.
While staff members of The Tiger have been away from campus, they have been far from unoccupied. Here are some cool things our staff has been up to over the last few months:
Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief
This summer, The Tiger’s Editor-in-Chief is taking on the role of a production intern on the Ingraham Angle show at Fox News. Blake is based in Manhattan, New York, and works nights in the city as the program is filmed live every day at 10 pm EDT.
Some of Blake’s responsibilities include finding, cutting and editing videos, researching current events, writing banners and scripts and creating graphics for the show.
“So many skills that I developed at The Tiger are helping me in my new position. Not only am I still researching and writing for the show as I would for The Tiger, but, just like The Tiger, so many different aspects go into the show – and being a part of a team at The Tiger has really helped me navigate this new experience!”
“I am learning a lot about news and journalism at Fox, and I am excited to bring that knowledge back to Clemson in the fall!”
Justin Robertson, Associate Editor
Justin has a reporting internship with Delaware Online through the Maryland, Delaware and D.C. Press Association’s summer internship program. He is based in Ocean City, Maryland, where he gets to live at the beach while writing stories about the Delaware area.
So far this summer, Justin has covered all sorts of topics, including sex trafficking, the Canadian wildfires and local government. As the previous sports editor, Justin has loved breaking out of his comfort zone.
“Working for Delaware Online this summer has been so rewarding, and I wouldn’t be in the position I am without The Tiger. Not only has The Tiger prepared me with the fundamentals of journalism, but it taught me the value of teamwork and communication, skills that are critical in the newsroom.”
“I have already learned so much this summer and, like Blake, can’t wait to help lead The Tiger this fall.”
Kaylee Morris, Business Manager
Kaylee has had the opportunity to be an accounting intern at SME CPAs this summer. She is located in her hometown of Augusta, Georgia, and has been able to rotate between the audit, CFO, administration and tax sectors of the firm, giving her full exposure to the different careers within accounting.
Not only does she have a full-time internship, but she also serves as a head coach for a summer league swim team. Kaylee competed on this team for 13 seasons and has been a head coach for two.
“I love my internship and the atmosphere of the firm. It’s been an eye-opening experience for me because I have found my love for audit. I’ve been able to go on-site to various companies and assist the firm as needed. I also love being able to coach my 200 kiddos for another season. My schedule is crazy busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Sydney Westphal, Managing Editor
This summer, Sydney is taking a break from her normal artistic duties as a graphic communications major and working at the country club in her hometown of Rock Hill, South Carolina.
However, she’s not ignoring art completely, as she is working on creating logos and mural designs for some businesses in Rock Hill while she is home. She’s always looking for opportunities to design for people, especially if they will pay her.
In her downtime, while she’s not working, Sydney is enjoying playing sand volleyball with her friends and going on girl’s trips with her mom. She also might be getting her tonsils taken out, but that’s a story for another time.
“I’m so excited to come back to Clemson for my senior year next year. I’ll be 21, I’ll have an internship and I’ll be starting an application for a master’s degree… I have a lot to look forward to!”
Natalie Peck, Podcast Editor
Natalie is spending her summer studying abroad in Rome, visiting some of the most famous places in the world, and taking weekend trips to the Amalfi Coast, Tuscany and Florence that have given her many culture shocks.
“Walking through the streets and seeing modern buildings built around ancient Roman columns is incredibly surreal. You are walking on the same road that people did thousands of years ago.”
She goes through this experience whilst also taking classes in law and accounting, which are led by Clemson professors Scott Toussaint and John Ledbetter. The faculty-directed program has brought her closer to her fellow Clemson students that joined her on this trip.
Natalie recommends that any student that has an interest in studying abroad do so, as it is an incredible opportunity for personal growth and true immersion into a different culture. As she nears the end of her time in Italy, she states that “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”
Corey Glenn, Assistant News Editor
This summer, Corey is taking a break from the news and living into his role as TimeOutside columnist by working as a Wilderness Ranger at Montreat in the mountains of North Carolina.
His job includes maintaining, repairing and upgrading the trail system, as well as leading guided hikes and, of course, giving advice on how to best enjoy the outdoors.
“I’ve come to peace with the fact that this is the best job I’ll ever have. I get to spend all day in the beautiful mountains helping other people enjoy the great outdoors. And they even pay me for it!”
Lindsay Kaine, Senior Reporter
Lindsay is participating in The Fund For American Studies program based out of Washington D.C., where she is a part of its journalism and communications track. Through this program, Lindsay has interacted with reporters from CNN and the Washington Post, as well as explored career opportunities such as communications jobs on Capitol Hill.
Lindsay is also interning with the nonprofit Organization for Autism Research in Arlington, Virginia, as a communications intern helping with their Hire Autism program. Through this internship, Lindsay has been able to assist with social media marketing, writing for the newsletter and connecting with autistic individuals, as well as employers.
“I have been able to really understand how my passions and skills can be applied to real jobs in the communications and journalism field. There is still so much for me to experience and learn this summer, and I cannot wait to apply the skills I gain to my writing for The Tiger!”