Being a college student brings many frustrations, hardships and interactions with annoying human beings that shouldn’t have been able to get into Clemson. In my second year here, I have discovered new pet peeves I didn’t even know I had. College has tested my patience, made me short-tempered and more likely to lash out on my peers. So here is a list of the biggest annoyances that come with being a college student or maybe just attending Clemson.
1. Getting hit by other people’s umbrellas on Library Bridge: At Clemson, it’s either a bright sunny day or it’s a monsoon. People need to learn some umbrella etiquette.
2. Under construction: There’s been a lot of construction during the school year recently. I always get caught up in the traffic on Library Bridge and I’m late to class. Maybe this list will start a petition to widen library bridge, or maybe force a redirection of the traffic walking pattern.
3. Cutlery: I hate when the forks don’t get refilled in the dining halls. I ate salad with a spoon last week. Enough said.
4. Tiny transport: I’ve nearly been hit by moped or bicyclist at places where they are not allowed. Mopeds and bikes do not belong on sidewalks. It’s hard enough to get anywhere on this campus without getting stampeded by a group of sorority girls, let alone dodge motorized vehicles and cyclists who don’t know how to ride straight.
5. Library tables: When one person takes up a whole table at the library, it’s the worst. It’s survival of the fittest at Cooper Library from 9-5 during the week, and don’t even get me started about exam week. If you could not sit at a table the size of Texas next time you want to study alone, that would be great, thanks!
6. Awkward elevator rides: I always struggle with if I should awkwardly stare at the door or awkwardly stare at my phone. Nothing in the world is louder than elevator silence.
7. Awkward SLOW elevator rides: What makes an awkward elevator ride even worse is that Clemson’s elevators are as slow as molasses. Yes, Clemson, please extend my socially-awkward situation even longer. It’s truly the highlight of my day.
8. Second floor elevator rides: I am so sorry you live such a horrible life and need to climb one flight of stairs, but you need to understand that other people need it more. Also, be aware that every time I see you doing this, I’m going to give you mean stares and shake my head very condescendingly.
9. Guest passes: The Core workers have really been cracking down on using guest passes instead of double swiping this year. It’s a real shame because most of my upperclassmen friends were only friends with me because I got them free meals. So thank you, Core and Schilletter, for making me eat so many more meals alone this year.
10. Hair in the drain: Your roommate leaving hair in the shower drain is seriously awful. Please be considerate when you take showers. I certainly don’t want to step into the one location that is supposed to be clean and find a huge heap of someone else’s hair.
11. Taking out the trash: OK, really now, we are all adults. I know your mom never made you out the trash at home, but you’re a grown up now. Girls specifically, if it is your time of the month, then it is also your time to take the trash out.
12. Early morning wake-up call: One of the most annoying things ever is when your roommate plays music for their 8 a.m. while you’re still sleeping. So, you’ve probably figure out by now that I may or may not have roommate problems (sorry you had to find out like this, Nicole). This one should be a no-brainer though. The sun is up and shining, so I’m … STILL SLEEPING!