Clemson ranked among Top 25 public universities
Clemson University has been named a Top 25 National Public University by U.S. News & World Report for the 10th year in a row.
In the 2018 edition of “Best College Rankings,” Clemson is ranked 23rd among top public universities in the U.S. This is the same place it was ranked last year. Clemson’s overall rank among all national universities was 67th, down one spot from last year.
“Clemson was founded on the principle that the university should be a high seminary of learning,” Clemson University President James Clements said in a statement. “That vision remains as clear today as ever, and is reflected by Clemson’s inclusion among the top 25 public universities every year for the past decade. I am extremely proud of the great work done every day by our faculty, staff and students who make this sustained excellence possible.”
U.S. News determines rankings by using graduation and retention rates; class size; average admissions test scores of incoming students; and proportion of full-time professors among other factors.
CUSG creates Hurricane Disaster Relief Fund
Clemson Undergraduate Student Government (CUSG) is teaming up with other student organizations to accept donations for a Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma relief fund.
Hurricane Harvey affected Texas and Louisiana and Hurricane Irma affected the Carribean, Florida and the southeastern U.S. Both resulted in heavy flooding and numerous deaths.
Through Oct. 11, students can donate monetarily through the fund’s Venmo account (@ClemsonRelief). Physical donations will also be accepted and can be dropped off at the student government offices near the Union. Students can find labeled tables displaying where to drop these items off. Additionally, there will be boxes placed around campus.
Organizations that are interested in joining the relief effort are encouraged to participate. If so, representatives can email CUSG VP Jaren Student ([email protected]) or CUSG Attorney General Janay Crosland ([email protected]).
Clemson receives $2.66M grant from GHA board
The Greenville Health Authority board has awarded Clemson University a $2.66 million grant for diabetes prevention efforts and scholarships to increase diversity in the nurse practitioner workforce.
The public health department, along with the Clemson Cooperative Extension will receive $2.25 million in order to fund a diabetes prevention and management initiative. The program, approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), will focus on targeting pre-diabetics and preventing the progression of the disease.
The School of Nursing will receive the other $410,000 which is being used for nursing scholarships.
“For the nurse practitioner workforce, we posit that such support will be instrumental in increasing access to culturally-aligned, high-quality nurse practitioners who reflect the diversity of the patient populations in which they serve,” said Veronica Parker, a School of Nursing faculty member and director of Clemson’s Center for Research on Health Disparities.
Clemson receives award for inclusive excellence
Clemson University was recently named a recipient of the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award by the INSIGHT into Diversity magazine.
The HEED award is given to schools that have made strong process in the area of inclusivity. In the five years the award has been distributed, this is Clemson’s first year as a recipient.
Clemson was recognized for its numerous programs aimed at encouraging diversity and inclusivity, such as Call Me MISTER, Emerging Scholars, the Bridge to Clemson Program, PEER/WISE, Tiger Alliance and the National Men of Color Summit.
Lee Gill, Clemson’s chief diversity officer and special assistant to the president for inclusive excellence, said the HEED Award speaks directly to the foundation of an institution’s diversity initiatives.
“In other words, it states that Clemson has in place the infrastructure and best practices to continue to move the university forward with inclusive excellence,” Gill said.