As a newly-minted twenty-one year old, I have already gotten to experience many of the highs and lows of legally being able to drink. Most people’s first thoughts during this time include showing the bouncers your ID with no fear, the many wine nights you’ll get to have and overall the fun times that you’ll experience. While, yes, these are all things that you get to do legally, there is one LARGE, downside to all of those late nights doing stupid things. For those of you who had the opportunity to read my last article, ‘Help me! I’m twenty-one.’ I highlighted some quick tips about going out and how to spend your twenty-first birthday. And if you are like me, and completely ignored half of that advice that very same night only to walk into work unbelievably hungover the next morning, you might be looking for some quick tips on how to deal with every single terrible symptom that comes with it. So I present to you, seven quick tips on how to deal with being hella hungover.
1. Sleep is for the dead… and the hungover
Sadly, for most of you, this is something that might not be achievable. But, whether you’re like me and have to be up bright and early for work the next day, or you have a whole Sunday to deal with the pain, sleep is quite possibly one of the easiest and cheapest ways to get over your hangover. Not only will this allow your body to heal from the night before, but being unconscious allows you to not even have to feel most of the effects of a hangover. Kiss that pounding headache and nausea goodbye and just pass out in your PJ’s. Get as much rest as you possibly can and heal up in half the time.
2. Advil to take the edge off
Ultimately, this is going to depend on the person and the type of hangover but in my experience, medicating myself to dull my headache and nausea is a must in order to not be completely out of commission all day. I found that by taking an Advil, my symptoms ended almost immediately. Now when doing this, you need to be aware of any allergies and what medicine works best for you. It is as easy as making a call to your mom, dad or doctor and asking them what to do.
3. How to force feed yourself
This is something that is way easier said than done. When you feel like you might throw up at any moment; and the sight of alcohol makes you gag, eating a banana and a bagel might not be the most appetizing cuisine to you. Whether it’s a greasy Waffle House meal or some sprite and crackers, EVERYONE needs to eat as soon as possible when they are hungover. Having some food and energy in your stomach will ease the nausea a little and make bring your energy level up a little. Try to treat your body like a temple (something you obviously weren’t doing last night) and see how much better it makes you feel.
4. How to not look like you got hit by a bag of ugly
Now, for those of you who have commitments the next day that you can’t weasel your way out of, the biggest challenge you have to face is trying to not look as bad as you feel. When I walked into work the day after consuming too many litchers, sporting mascara from the night before and a wristband from the bar, it was pretty obvious to my coworkers that I wasn’t just “sick.” And while the simple act of showing up on time is a miracle in and of itself, what you need to do is take a shower, wash your face, grab a coffee or do anything you can to make yourself look like a normal person. Whether you feel fine or not, by simply looking better, your mood will lift at least a little bit. On top of that, these acts of showering and general self care will help wake you up a little. Most importantly, if you realize that your hangover is keeping you from actually getting anything done, be honest with yourself and look at your sick days and take a day to rest if you can. If not, it’s only gonna end with you falling asleep at your desk or biting the head off of Judy from customer service for being a little too perky.
5. The dehydration station
This is probably the most obvious tip that there can be when you wake up after a night out. For most people, water is the first thing that comes to their mind when they awake with a thirst as strong as if they have been in a desert for nine years. While the cotton mouth can kill you in the morning, it’s important to keep drinking water throughout the day. Try to mix water with some electrolytes to keep your energy and hydration up. You’ll thank me later.
6. Listen to your body
This really needs to be driven home people. If you don’t think you’ll be able to safely drive to work, or even get anything done because of nausea and a pounding headache, call in sick. By pushing yourself and your body, it’s only going to elongate the hangover and make you feel worse. Eat what makes you feel better, and nap if you think that will help. Ultimately, everyone has their own “hangover cure” that works for them. You won’t be able to find yours until you listen to what your body, and liver, are begging you to do.
7. Things to avoid
This is an extra little section so that you won’t wake up every weekend with the dreaded “Sunday Scaries.” First and foremost: try not to drink too much. And since we both know this isn’t going to happen, my next tip is, try to avoid sugary drinks. This only makes the hangover worse the next day. At the end of your crazy night, chug some water before bed and try to even squeeze a meal in there to lessen your drunkenness a little. Get as many vitamins and nutrients you can before you feel the pain the next morning. It only takes one terrible hangover to change your drinking habits forever.
Well, I hope this helped my fellow heavy drinkers. If any of these tips helped you or if you happen to have some tips of your own, we would love to hear from you (especially since our production days start at 11 a.m. on Sundays and no one likes a hungover copy editor). Let us know at [email protected] and stay safe!