Caleb Browder, Photo Editor and David Ferrara, News Editor
Clemson Undergraduate Student Government (CUSG) met on Monday in their first meeting since internal elections. Newly elected officials have not yet taken office.
The senate began with two presentations. The first was by Professor Sean Sather from the School of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Sather has been working hard on a task force created to raise awareness for caregivers in the pandemic. The task force has created a document that offers a long list of resources for caregivers. They also started a virtual tutoring program which has already helped over 70 middle to high school students.
The second was from Hannah Basha, a senior education major and director of the Campus Advancement committee. Basha was promoting the sustainability initiative fund, which is currently only funded by a $10 opt-in fee in students’ bills. The fund gives money to projects which benefit campus sustainability.
In the Academic Affairs brief, Chair Carson Wood confirmed that there are no plans to modify or cancel Spring Break.
Campus Life Chair Tate Fowler stressed that Clemson Home needs feedback from students on the on-campus housing sign-up process. This will help improve the process in the future.
The Health and Human Services Committee will be holding two sessions of QPR training (Question, Persuade, Refer), which is a brief and practical suicide prevention training. These sessions will be on March 22 and March 25 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Student Activities Chair Taylor Rodgers said that tennis matches will only be open to friends and family of players.
The Senate passed a constitutional amendment which would include a commitment to “prioritize inclusion, diversity and advocacy,” which was not previously included.
Senators also approved a “resolution to express support for priority ROTC Class Registration,” due to frequent scheduling conflicts between classes and ROTC obligations.
Senators Newell and Dean proposed a recommendation to change the structure of the academic grievance committee. Currently, the committee has seven members of faculty and only two students. The bill was sent back to committee.
Senators Tiffin and Moore proposed and passed a resolution to recognize the significance of Women’s History Month. They also supported the establishment of a Women’s and Gender Center, which would offer support to students.
Senator Tiffin pointed out that there aren’t any buildings or monuments on campus dedicated to women. This is despite Clemson University being coeducational for 66 years and graduating many notable female alumni, including former Governor Nikki Haley.
The next meeting, March 10, will be the last meeting of the 2020-2021 Undergraduate Student Government. This will include the State of the University and can be streamed on the Tigervision Facebook page, beginning at 7:00 p.m.