Image courtesy of David Ferrara
Senate Summaries March 29
The Clemson University Undergraduate Student Government (CUSG) Senate met on Monday, March 29, for their weekly meeting.
First, they met with CUSG Chief of Staff Davis Cooney, Treasurer Gabe Cutter, Finance Director Connor Patterson and Attorney General James Swicegood. Then, the Senate gave their regular committee briefings.
Academic Affairs Chairman Thomas Newell had several exciting announcements. He announced that Plan Ahead for Summer and Fall 2021 will open on April 5, and registration will begin on April 12. He also told the Senate that there will not be extra graduation tickets, but they will be live-streaming the ceremony.
Campus Life Chair Mary Frances Huggins reminded everyone that freshmen move-in will occur from Aug. 10-12, and that this will be followed by Orientation activities from Aug. 13-17.
Student Activities Chair Kate Hadley announced sunrise yoga on the Fike sundeck. The event is at 7 a.m. and lasts for an hour, and the remaining dates are Tuesday, April 13, and Thursday, April 15.
A bill was introduced which would create committees for Greek Life and Campus Advancement and Outreach, which was sent back to Committee. The Senate, in conjunction with the Graduate Senate, passed a bill which creates a resolution to protect Asian-American students from race-related violence.