Graphic by: Trey Bowe
TimeOut General Graphic
9/10 stars
Based on the true story of bull rider Lane Frost, “8 Seconds” depicts Frost’s struggles leading up to becoming the 1987 World Champion of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association and the tragic events that follow after. The stunning cinematography, stupendous acting and overall touching storyline makes this movie a must-see. Though over 25 years old, this movie serves as a classic that is well known in the bull riding world, as it tells the story of one of the youngest bull riding world champions. Throughout “8 Seconds,” the main storyline is presented to be based on Frost’s journey to becoming a successful bull rider, but is rather focused on his relationship with his wife Kellie Kyle. Nevertheless, the awareness brought to the risks of bull riding and the outstanding portrayal of Lane Frost by actor Luke Perry gives enough reason as to why watching this movie is worthwhile!