Jonathan Hanna
The life of millenials, whether current college students or not, is full of changes. One of the most common “adulting” events that people experience is deciding where to move after college. While some may be searching for where to find their ideal job or not, most graduates find themselves venturing away from their college town to somewhere new. For Clemson University students, one of these new places is Greenville, S.C.. Specifically, downtown Greenville.
Throughout the years, there has been a huge surge of millennials moving to Greenville, and it seems to only keep growing. As someone born and raised in Greenville, I can’t blame them. Downtown has a lot of great things to offer for fresh out of college adults trying to make it in the world. However, not everything about Greenville is as perfect as it seems, and there are a few things about the city that people should be aware of before moving there.
First, apartments in downtown Greenville can be extremely expensive. While this isn’t all that uncommon for growing cities, it is something a lot of people have been surprised about. And with the constant stream of people wanting to move downtown, the prices are only growing higher. Now, I know that there are more affordable apartments outside of downtown, but it’s not certain if those prices will even stay that low. Greenville is expanding, meaning the demand for more living areas will expand too.
Greenville’s expansion is another thing to keep in mind. Downtown Greenville has been undergoing a lot of construction and adjustments lately. While it’s always great for cities to have more people and tourists, it can be frustrating when certain areas feel like they always have construction going on. As is the case with most major cities, it’s not uncommon to have some type of refurbishment going on, but with Greenville, it’s hard to determine when the city will feel like it has grown enough to stop.
I love downtown Greenville. There’s endless restaurants and stores to experience, and it’s a great place to wander around and explore. The appeal of the city isn’t surprising to me at all, and I would be more confused as to why people weren’t wanting to move there. However, just like with every big decision, it is important to do research ahead of time. And while in my personal opinion, Greenville is one of the best places around, I would recommend taking a few minutes to be sure you want everything that comes with moving here, swamp rabbits and all.