Photo courtesy of Joseph Messier, TimeOut Editor
Steak is an American classic: most restaurants you visit have some form of this cut of beef. I love to grill out any chance I get at home. But at college, with no access to a grill, and therefore am limited to eating out, which gets expensive.
For those out there that have the same dilemma as me, I have a solution for you: steak on the stove! I used one side of my roommate’s stove panini press as a pseudo-grill to get those nice sear marks, but a normal pan will work just as well.
-Any cut of steak that will fit onto the stove
-Dale’s sauce (trust me this stuff is magic)
-Plastic bag big enough to hold the steak
-Salt and pepper to taste
1. Trim the steak as much as needed. Make sure to remove as much connective tissue as you can.
2. Place the steak in the plastic bag. Add as much Dale’s sauce as needed to coat the steak, along with the salt and pepper.
3. Let the steak marinate for at least 10 minutes in the bag.
4. While the steak is marinating, place the pan or panini press half on the stove to heat up. Do not turn the stove up higher than halfway.
5. Lightly grease the pan or panini press half and place the steak on the stove.
6. Cook to your desired temperature and serve!