One minute you were changing diapers, and the next minute you’re saying goodbye to your child as you drop them off for their first semester at Clemson. Getting used to life as an empty nester can be tough — here are some tips to help.
1. Being sad is normal
It’s perfectly normal to feel sad — after all, both you and your kid are going through a huge transition. Don’t be afraid to cry it out from time to time.
2. Make some plans
With your child out of the house, you’re likely going to have more time on your hands. Avoid feeling lonesome by keeping busy and getting out of the house some — go to the movies, take an adult ballet class, volunteer at the local animal shelter, etc.
3. Build a support network
Lean on family, friends and coworkers for support, especially those who have already been through this themselves. They know what you’re going through and will be glad to talk if needed. And don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor or a mental health professional if you’re feeling depressed.
4. Remember that parenting never ends
Even though your child is no longer living in your house, your parenting days aren’t over. Expect phone calls, texts and Facetimes throughout the year — your child will most likely turn to you first when they need someone to talk to if they’re sick, struggling in a class or having roommate issues.