Photo by Ehrick Haight, Contributor
On April 2, The Color Run Tropicolor World Tour makes a stop in Clemson, sponsored by Clemson’s ROTC programs. This event is a 5-kilometer run where participants are doused from head to toe in colored powder, followed by a finish line celebration.
The 2016 run marks the fifth anniversary of The Color Run, and to celebrate, they are revamping the event to include island-style themes, featuring tropical décor and music. Runners are encouraged to wear white so that colors are vibrant and noticeable.
Beginning in 2011, the Color Run is now the largest international event series. It hosts events in 40 countries annually, and features races in over 200 cities. The organization hopes to inspire fitness in participators rather than competition, and the event is not timed in order to emphasize the “fun” aspect.
“This event is truly the happiest 5k on the planet,” event coordinator Kelly
Ator said.
“It promotes healthiness and happiness by bringing the community together for one big, colorful party.”
Ator says the event “is a family friendly 5k walk/run event featuring color throws throughout the course.” Because this year’s run features a tropical theme, runners will be doused in tropical colors at each kilometer mark, and the final celebration will be set on an island style stage. At this festival, participants are encouraged to dance, listen to music, take photos and be doused with more color.
While The Color Run organization is for-profit, they partner with national and local charities to raise money as well. The organization has raised over $4 million for charities globally thus far, according to their webpage.
The local charity the Clemson run will benefit is the Clemson Air Force and Army ROTC, which will be celebrating their centennial at Clemson university April 14. The national charity benefitting from the event is The American Cancer Society, as a part of their Relay for Life events. The Color Run organization takes suggestions for charities to be promoted at each event on their webpage. The organization also benefits charities by raising awareness, according to their webpage. Some ways The Color Run does this is by giving a portion of their proceeds after the race, or by allowing a certain amount of the registration fees to go directly to the charity.
Runners can register for the event or suggest charities at www.thecolorrun.com. Registration packages include entrance to the race, as well as a Classic or Deluxe kit, which includes items such as t-shirt and headband in the base kit and the addition of sunglasses, a lei and hat in
the Deluxe.