Super Tuesday, the largest day for presidential primaries in the U.S., saw Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton remain in the lead for the Republican and Democratic nominations (respectively). There were 11 states at stake for both Republican and Democratic candidates.
Clinton gained a sizable lead on Sen. Bernie Sanders, winning seven states and 504 delegates to his four states and 340 delegates. While Trump gained the most delegates in the GOP with 237, freshman Sen. Ted Cruz was not far behind with 209 delegates.
While Clinton is the undeniable front-runner for the Democratic nomination and Trump continues to increase his lead, the primaries are far from over; the multiple remaining winner-take-all states could especially shift the balance.
Check out the full results, the candidates’ Super Tuesday speeches, and how much they all spent on advertisements in Super Tuesday states below:
Super Tuesday results:
Super Tuesday speeches:
Advertisement totals in Super Tuesday states, according to an article on
Republican candidates:
Team Trump: $1.1 million
Team Kasich: $282,000
Team Rubio $4 million
Team Cruz: $7 million
Democratic candidates:
Team Sanders $5.2 million
Team Clinton $6.4 million