Photo by rkelland
In the spirit of election season and April Fools’ Day, humorist and writer Will Rogers once said, “The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.” Although this is a potential truth for the coming election, there are still plenty practical jokes that won’t create political and social upheaval.
Keep your pranks harmless and hilarious, with our low-cost April Fools Day guide!
1. Cover everything in your fridge with googly eyes. This is one of the easiest and most cost-efficient pranks, and it won’t rip apart your roommate friendship. And in two months, when they find an old take-out box with one googly eye in rock-hard pad-thai, they’ll reflect on your comic genius and considerate nature, seeing as you didn’t TP their entire dorm room instead.
2. Hang a picture of Kim Jong-un on the staff picture wall at work. It can be as small or large as desired, but make sure not to mention it to anyone and see who notices first. Odds are, people will notice it right away and your practical joke will be appreciated for the day. But, in the best-case scenario, it won’t be noticed for weeks, and you can revel in the fact that you are the best April Fools’ prankster in the history of pranksters. Also, if you want to modify this prank to fit a smaller scale, hang up some photos of your favorite dictator alongside your roommate’s or best friend’s photo collage that they spent three weeks creating before move-in day. Then, for as long as it takes for them to notice, you can enjoy a picture of Stalin and his “best friends” beside your roommate and his or her best friends.
3. Search “Nicholas Cage scary face” on Google and print out ten copies of your favorite picture from the first result page. Next, cut them out and hide them around your dorm, house or apartment. Some of the best suggested hiding spots are behind the toilet, inside the refrigerator, in a frequently used drawer, and taped behind an open door so that when it is closed, your friend or roommate has the living daylights scared out of them.
And as an additional bonus to this prank, if you print out enough photos of Nicholas Cage and hide them in the most discreet spots you can find, your roommate isn’t likely to find them all until move-out day. So even well into May, your April Fools’ legacy will live on.
If none of these are your style, it’s always easy to buy a couple rolls of toilet paper and TP your neighbor’s house or car. But why do the same old trite prank when you can terrify your roommate with nothing more than a cutout of Nick Cage’s face? Happy pranking and happy April Fools’ Day!