Photo Courtesy of Claudio Mariotto / Flickr
Queen Bey is surrounded by controversial conversation regarding her song “Formation.” I honestly do not understand the method to her madness with this one. She should be saying “to the left, to the left” because this song is certainly irreplaceable. All I’ve understood of this song is that someone should be taking me to Red Lobster, and I should obviously have hot sauce in my bag.
The controversy is not concerned with whether you should carry Tabasco or Texas Pete with you, but rather the content of the song. Jay Z should have told her to stop because this piece is not one of her crowning glories.
The song is intense, to say the least. Its racial suggestions are a little too much for this southerner, particularly the “Jackson Five nostrils” lyrics and the references to her being a black Bill Gates in the making. Offending the police and bringing up the past was unnecessary. Most of us know what happened in the news in the past few months with the police and the killings, but if you are unaware, Beyoncé makes sure that you aren’t for long.
After listening to the song, I honestly wanted to go home and hide from the “albino alligators.” While I thought I was scared enough by the lyrics
and the haters, the music video ended up being much worse. The video is very intimidating; she would be amazing in a horror movie and she certainly frightened me.
Thank you for the warning label.
Parental advisory was a must because the lyrics and video were absolutely explicit. At one point a wall is shown that says, “Don’t shoot us,” which was very risky for her to even have.
I was honestly shocked by the lyrics and the video. She made her point, and she got people to talk about her.
I will say though that Beyoncé is always in style and her wardrobe was to die for. As well, her squad was on point. If I could dance and look like her, then I’m sure I could also say anything I wanted. Although, I am happy she likes cornbread and collard greens because I do, too. Not to mention her daughter, Blue Ivy! She is the epitome of a gorgeous child.
The beat of the song is good and catchy, but those are about all of the nice things I can say about “Formation,” which as a fan is really depressing. I will say that she stands by her work, and she believes what she is doing is right. That’s all well and good, but it should not have gone to the point of hurting the feelings of those around her.
There has been mixed responses regarding the video. Some people think it is great that she is expressing how she feels and embracing her black culture. Others find it offensive and borderline racist. Beyoncé requested a police escort to Super Bowl 50 where she performed this song, but in her music video she degraded the police force. Basically she calls them incompetent for killing black people and for the violence they allow to go on.
As far as the purpose of the song and the music video, I am torn on what
to believe.
I love Beyoncé, but I don’t love “Formation.” She is, of course, Queen B because Bill Gates’ Microsoft knows there is no Beyoncé without the accent mark. But please, B, sing songs I can listen to and feel better and empowered. Not songs that make me think the world is an awful place.
If I wanted to remember how scary and dangerous the world is, I would turn on the news, not listen to music on the radio station.