Tomson Kaplan // Provided
All four Greek councils collaborated to plan the 5K fundraising event.
Coming up on Sunday, Nov. 12, the Cross Council 5K will take place to raise money for the Live Like Lou Foundation, which supports families affected by Lou Gehrig’s disease, funds ALS research and honors Lou Gehrig’s legacy.
The four fraternity and sorority life councils at Clemson, including the Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council and College Panhellenic Association, have collaborated to make the event happen, according to Tomson Kaplan, the director of Philanthropy and Public Relations for the Clemson Interfraternity Council.
Students, faculty and community members must be registered by Nov. 8 to participate, but others are welcome to come and support the cause at the South Carolina Botanical Gardens at 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 12 to participate.
Others who cannot attend the event can donate to the event’s online page.
The funds raised at the event will benefit families affected by ALS in and around South Carolina, specifically members of the Clemson Family.
The foundation has various programs, such as home improvement grants and Iron Horse scholarships, to help with financial needs, which can be found on the foundation’s website.
Live Like Lou has funded more than $350,000 in scholarships to ALS families since 2018, according to the Clemson Philanthropy fundraising page.
Created in 2017, the foundation was created as a national nonprofit organization and helps researchers generate meaningful treatments and cures for ALS and generate awareness for members of the community.
“This event is all four councils working together to support a great cause that will help others. We hope to participate in other events like this for the community and to serve others,” Kaplan said.