Ashleigh Snyder // Photo Editor
Kylie Tutterrow is the editor of the Opinion section. She is a sophomore political science major from Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Hey guys! My name is Kylie Tutterrow, and I am the current Opinion Editor at The Tiger. I have been with the paper since the fall of my freshman year in 2022 and have been the Opinion editor for almost a year.
As I am from the Upstate, the area of Clemson was not unfamiliar to me, but I never thought that I would end up here at Clemson University. That being said, during my first few months at Clemson, I did not feel like I was in the right place for me and thought ending up at Clemson was an accident. The Tiger helped me to find my place and passions in such a massive school with countless opportunities.
The Tiger was one of the first places where I was able to make friends and meet people on campus. Though writing for The Tiger seemed intimidating at first, I now look forward to Tuesday night meetings each and every week.
As a political science major, writing for The Tiger has given me a platform to write about issues that I am passionate about and has also helped me to see different perspectives on many topics that I previously thought I had a firm stance on. Within my major, I spend my afternoons reading and writing, so The Tiger is essentially an extension of what I do in the classroom.
I look forward to reading the perspectives of our columnists each week, as well as your op-eds and guest columns. I find that within the Opinion section, people’s passion and frame of mind often shine through their pieces, which makes their articles such an intriguing read.
Every time I enter The Tiger’s office or read through a new article, I learn something new, which is my favorite part of this position. This organization has provided me with such a rich learning experience, and I can not wait to continue working with everyone for the next two years.