Becca Tapert // Unsplash
Make sure to take the time to appreciate Valentine's Day, even if you are single.
“What should I do on Valentine’s Day if I am single?”
Just because you are single does not mean that you should write off or neglect one of February’s most famous holidays. Being single also does not mean that you should have to be rotten on such a happy day full of love.
You can still spend this time with the people you love! Ask around. I’m sure one of your friends or family members is in the same boat and would love to go out or stay in and watch a movie.
If not, spoil yourself! Stay in, watch some romantic comedies, read a book and eat your favorite meal.
If that is not your thing, go out! You still have the chance to find some love on Valentine’s Day. Do not waste your night feeling sorry for yourself when you can be proactive.
Do what makes you happy. Don’t let the day of love crush your spirits.