Ashleigh Snyder
Juliana Coates, The Tiger's News Editor.
Welcome to Clemson!
As someone who just wrapped up my own freshman year, I know exactly what you’re feeling. The excitement, the nerves, the fears, the anticipation, knowing that the biggest adventure of your life is about to begin.
I’m so excited for you to join the Clemson Family, and I can’t wait to see where your journey takes you!
Maybe you come from a long line of Clemson grads, or maybe you’re the first in your family to go to college. Wherever you’re coming from, my biggest piece of advice to you is this: relax.
Everyone is figuring out this whole college thing, just like you are. It’ll feel a little weird at first, but if trust the process, before you know it, you won’t be able to imagine your life without the people and the University you’ll grow to call home.
My second piece of advice — one you’ve probably already heard — is to make the most of every single opportunity you find. Throw yourself out there! Join the clubs, take the interesting classes that catch your eye, do the internships, study abroad, meet as many people as possible and you’ll make friends and memories to last a lifetime.
One way I got involved was by joining The Tiger, specifically the News section. News offers firsthand knowledge of what’s happening around campus and in the Clemson area and gives you access to students, faculty and administrators from all across the University. It’s a fun behind-the-scenes glimpse of Clemson that most people don’t see.
If The Tiger interests you, we’d love to have you on staff! There’s something in these hills for everyone, and I know there’s a place for you.
Good luck, and Go Tigers!