William Stehn // Asst. Photo Editor
Tillman Hall serves as the landmark of Clemson University, the building synonymous with coming home to Clemson.
Welcome back to Tigertown!
The first day of class marks the day when all Tigers are officially back “home” in Clemson, South Carolina. On behalf of The Tiger, I’m so excited to welcome everyone back home, from freshmen and returning students to all the faculty and staff.
Whether this is your first time or your fourth time returning to Clemson, each and every one of us has a role in making up this community (even if you haven’t found it yet!).
This school year will mark the end for thousands of students, myself included. I’m so grateful to have spent the past two years here, and I cannot wait to see what this last year brings. Clemson has brought me so much joy in my time here; from professional opportunities to friendships I’ll cherish in years to come.
With only two short semesters left, I’m determined to make the most of this year, and I challenge everyone else to do the same. Make the memories of your time at Clemson count because they’ll pass by quicker than you can imagine. Take each opportunity offered to you to spend the 2024-2025 school year growing, whether it be personally, professionally or academically. I know the task may seem daunting, but in a few years’ time, when graduation becomes more real than it ever could have seemed, you’ll be grateful.
If you’re a freshman or a transfer student, and this is your first year at Clemson, I challenge you to meet as many students as you can. College, especially when you first begin, is a time of great growth, and the friend group you had in your first week might not reflect who you are by your second semester. Take the time to cultivate as many friendships as possible and truly establish yourself as a member of the Clemson community.
If this is your second or third time coming back to Tigertown, I challenge you to grow professionally this year. It’s never too early to start making connections with fellow students and your professors — you never know what internship opportunity is lurking around the corner. LinkedIn, career fairs and visiting speakers are great ways to start networking with those around you and planting the seeds for your future career.
And lastly, if, like me, this is your last time returning to Clemson, let’s make every single moment count. Take risks and explore the clubs or events you’ve been too hesitant to in years past (like The Tiger). Build the network and forge those connections if you haven’t already. Start looking at jobs now, even if it seems daunting, so you can begin building an image of your ideal career. Above all, say yes to whatever you can, even if it pushes you outside of your comfort zone.
At Clemson, we have more than a school; we have a home. So, welcome home, Tigers!
Good luck to all of you in this upcoming school year, and I cannot wait to make more memories with you in my last two semesters.
Caroline Block is a junior English major from Mobile, Alabama. Caroline can be reached at [email protected].