CUPD // Courtesy
CUPD warned students and residents to "Avoid the area" and "Secure in place" during the incident through CU alert text messages.
Clemson University Police Department arrested a man on Saturday for possessing a firearm on University property.
At approximately 3:19 p.m. on Oct. 26, CUPD officers responded to the area of Mell Hall near U.S. Highway 93 after receiving reports of a male individual with a revolver on his hip, according to the incident report obtained by The Tiger.
Upon arriving at the scene, an officer located the man “sitting on a bench in front of Mell Hall,” the report states.
CUPD later identified him as Benjamin Allen Wemp based on his Social Security card and concealed weapons permit. Wemp is not a student at the University.
The officer handcuffed Wemp and took the loaded revolver off of Wemp’s hip, according to the report. Another officer removed a fixed blade hunting knife from Wemp’s possession.
“The individual was non-threatening and compliant with officers,” Davis Simpson, public information officer for the public safety department at Clemson University, told The Tiger in an email.
After searching Wemp, CUPD found that he was wearing body armor, an ammunition belt containing several rounds and that he was keeping a second loaded revolver in his pants pocket, the report states.
Wemp was placed on trespass notice and charged with the illegal possession of a weapon on University property.
CUPD found that Wemp was at Mell Hall with “Visions for the World,” a religious group not affiliated with the University.
The group was preaching on campus with megaphones. The officer told the group’s members to leave the area and to register with the University before holding events on campus, which the group obeyed, according to the incident report.
“CUPD reminds everyone that if you see something, say something and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement,” Simpson told The Tiger.