What sold me on the project was the evident love and respect for both the source material and the fans that the developers of Rivals have put into their product.
Marvel has a complicated relationship with video games. They can undoubtedly create masterpieces that stick with fans for generations — one only needs to look at the insomniac Spider-Man games, the ever-endearing LEGO Marvel Superheroes games and the classic Marvel vs. Capcom fighting games.
However, the same studio has many critical failures to its name as well, with games like Marvel’s Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 not living up to expectations.
That’s why when Marvel announced a new hero shooter in March of last year, many fans — including myself — were skeptical of how they would handle such an ambitious premise. Now that the game has been released, though, I’m glad I held out hope because Marvel Rivals is simply so much fun.
Far from being just another Overwatch clone, Marvel Rivals has taken the hero shooter genre and run with it, slotting fan favorites and lesser-known characters into a fun, fast-paced 6 vs. 6 game with resounding success.
The quick gameplay, large cast of unique characters and the promise of ever more content have made the game one of the most popular of the last month, hitting a record of over 600,000 concurrent players the day its Season One was released.
A large portion of the game’s popularity also comes from its character roster. Thirty-seven playable characters across three classes means that it’s virtually impossible not to find a character you will love playing. Marvel’s decades worth of iconic characters, including heroes and villains from every team, comic, and movie are what give it another leg up here. Between the Avengers, X-Men, Midnight Sons, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy and more, everyone’s favorite Marvel superhero teams are represented.
Characters in the game are sorted into one of three classes. The slower, higher-health Vanguards act as the group’s tanks, blocking damage and dishing it right back. Duelists’ high damage and moderate health make them essential to any fight. Strategists take up the role of healing and support, providing vital aid.
However, an expansive character roster does not make a hit game.
What sold me on the project was the evident love and respect for both the source material and the fans that the developers of Rivals have put into their product. The game references even the most obscure and nonsensical parts of the Marvel fandom, from Dracula owing Moon Knight money to Squirrel Girl’s inexplicable invincibility. This dedication is a sure sign that the seasons to come will be filled with more of the incredible character, map and story design that has been showcased thus far.