Caroline Block
The Reflection Pond is one of the most significant construction projects currently taking place on campus.
We all joke about it. Clemson is practically a never-ending construction zone. No matter where you go on campus, some renovation, project or demolition is taking place. All of this increased construction, however, continues to impact the daily experiences of students — and not in a good way.
I understand the necessity of construction. As Clemson grows, new buildings, like the Alumni and Visitors Center or the Forestry and Environmental Conservation building, are needed to support the influx of students. Many older buildings, like the High Rises, are desperate for renovation and improvements.
But, when the University carries out all of these projects at the same time — and many more unmentioned — the result is a campus covered in fencing and half-built structures and humming with constant assembly noise.
When The Tiger published that the Reflection Pond will remain drained until at least May, many seniors were heartbroken. While it might seem like a minor inconvenience, taking photos in the Reflection Pond is a Clemson tradition countless graduating seniors look forward to beginning in their freshman year. What the class of 2025 was not expecting to hear in January, however, was that the iconic photo would stay a dream for them.
Improving the symmetry of the pond and bettering accessibility are valid improvements, and I respect the University for implementing them. However, this construction — which has barricaded off the entire Reflection Pond and the sidewalks around it — could have been planned better. Why not start the construction, which is slated to take the entirety of the semester, a month earlier in December? That way, December graduates would have had time to take photos, and the pond would be refilled by April. Alternatively, construction could have started in May and continued through the summer and the start of the fall semester.
Unceasing constructions is not only an aesthetic concern. The demolition of Johnstone Hall, a project that officially began in January of last year, is still in full swing. I have a class in the Honors College, directly across from the construction site, and the noise of demolition pervades our room daily. Hearing giant crashes and other loud noises is not very conducive to my or my classmates’ learning.
The impact of construction on our daily lives did not start this year. My freshman year, the ongoing renovation of Daniel Hall meant that a segment of Library Bridge and the entire area around the hall were inaccessible. It also meant any classes in the Daniel Hall Expansion — or Humanities Hall — featured a background symphony of constant construction. Focusing on tests or other in-class activities is not easy when renovations are taking place just a sky bridge away.
All of these projects are meant to improve Clemson — which they certainly are doing. Walking from the expansion to Daniel Hall by way of the sky bridge still has not lost its thrill. I cannot wait to see what this campus looks like five years from now. However, I also wish I could enjoy its scenery while I am still a student.
With near-constant construction in every corner of campus, the University seems to be forgetting its current students as it looks to build a campus for the future generation.
Caroline Block is a senior English major from Mobile, Alabama. Caroline can be reached at [email protected]