Emma Bulman
On a holiday filled with so much romantic pressure, sometimes it just feels good to rant.
Valentine’s Day is all about expressing your feelings — showing love to that special someone, buying them flowers, finally getting up the courage to ask out your crush on a date or, in some cases, finally telling off that no good ex of yours.
On a holiday filled with so much romantic pressure, sometimes it just feels good to rant.
That’s why the Instagram account Clemson University Chicks, a direct affiliate of Barstool Sports and It Girl, is spicing things up and bringing the Unsent Project to Clemson University this Valentine’s Day.
Started by the Chicks account at the University of Pittsburgh, the Unsent Project is a collection of messages accumulated through anonymous submissions. These messages, as the name suggests, were never sent for varying reasons, but through the project, users can now get whatever they need to say off their chests.
“We want people to be able to send in something they would never normally say to someone, but they can send it to us because it is anonymous. Maybe they never got to get the last word in after a breakup, or maybe they want to tell someone how they really feel,” CU Chicks told The Tiger in an email.
“We ended up getting over 150 responses and had to individually go through every response and select the best ones. We are hoping to do another one soon, depending on how it is received and what feedback we get.”
In an age where both oversharing and anonymous nasty comments have become the norm, it’s no wonder the project was such a hit. It’s a controlled way for people to say how they really feel and get that relief of letting go while also remaining mysterious.
“Even if the person they want to see it never does, it always feels better telling someone how you really feel. We are hoping this project continues to encourage open communication between students. Even if they think no one will listen to their problems, we will. We read every single submission so you are seen and heard.
“Some things were just a little too unhinged to post, but we tried to get the best (appropriate) ones out there. We want people to be able to laugh at it and not take it too seriously. College is hard, and there is always someone out there who is probably going through a similar situation.”
With the blessing of the social media gods, it’s time to look at your drafts and finish crafting that text. Go get ‘em, Tigers.