South Carolina Press Association
The award badge for SCPA
The staff of South Carolina’s oldest college newspaper are now also the winners of nine awards from the South Carolina Press Association’s 2022 News Contest.
The Tiger’s staff placed first in three categories, including “page one design” for Star Blevins’ Orientation issue cover, “sports photograph” for Katie Bradham’s action shot of fans at a Clemson home game, and “specialty page design” for one of my pages in the Orientation issue.
Emily Campbell placed second for her story on Tillman Hall’s still-to-be renaming. Trey Bowe also won second for his page one design, along with a second-place prize for Caleb Browder for his sports photograph after the Tigers won their seventh straight football game against the Gamecocks.
Frances Kirk placed third for her satire piece on Clemson introducing a new men’s varsity sport (badminton), and Justin Robertson placed third for his feature of ClemsonLIFE’s partnership with Clemson Athletics after the pandemic.
And congratulations to the entire staff, who won second place for “general excellence,” and our communications staff, who placed third for use of social media!