Mohammed Hassan // Courtesy
Graphic of a pregnant person at an ultrasound appointment.
One of the loudest voices in society today are pro-abortion sound bites that flood social media. These sound bites are a voice that speak misinformation and lies. A voice that tells women abortion is their only option.
But there is another voice. A voice that Clemson students need to hear. A voice that says women deserve more than abortion.
Women are capable of graduating, achieving their dreams and having a baby. Women do not need to feel as if abortion is their only option. This voice tells any student who might be facing an unexpected pregnancy: take a breath. Your career goals are not over. You are not alone in your situation — even if you feel like you are. You may not see it now, but the baby inside of you is a living and breathing miracle. The road ahead might be long, but you have support, resources and an entire community of people who want to love you. Abortion is not the answer. We are here for you.
This voice speaks the truth — that at the moment of fertilization, a unique human being comes into existence. In 2018, Steven Andrew Jacobs, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, surveyed 5,502 biologists from 1,058 academic institutions, asking if life begins at fertilization. 95% of these biologists affirmed the biological view that a human’s life begins at fertilization (5212 out of 5502). The DNA that is created is distinct and unrepeatable. No other human being will ever possess the same genetic code. Every unique human being has intrinsic value.
This voice speaks hope to women who have experienced abortion. Post-abortive women do not have to live in silent pain and wrestle with the side effects of abortion alone. This is a voice of help and healing. Women who have experienced abortion deserve support, love, and tangible support.
It is heartbreaking to know that students on my campus have never heard this voice.
Through tabling on campus, I repeatedly hear the lack of knowledge of what abortion truly is. This is why Tigers for Life is hosting our event this week.
Kristan Hawkins is a nationally acclaimed voice regarding abortion and how it affects our culture. The Tigers for Life event tomorrow provides the student body at Clemson an opportunity to hear the facts and answers regarding abortion. This is why we encourage students on both sides to attend.
You can reserve your ticket through our instagram bio (@cutigersforlife), or at the door. Seating is first come, first serve.
Regardless of your beliefs, come listen to the voice that Clemson students need to hear.
If you or someone you know is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or regrets their abortion, please visit Foothills Care Center for free and confidential help.
Alivia-Grace Talley is the president of Tigers for Life at Clemson. She is a junior communication and political science double-major.