Griffin Cobb, TimeOut Editor
Students work through an activity to practice their English with one another.
A conversational, hands-on program within the Office of Global Engagement aims to help international students practice their language skills for everyday interactions.
Led by Jennifer Brondell, the director of English language programs, the program meets every Tuesday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on the third floor of Cooper Library in room 309.
The community atmosphere within this program allows for students to learn the uses of English beyond the textbook while conversing with other English language learners. This informal environment offers many opportunities to meet a wide variety of people from different cultures and backgrounds.
This program is open not only to non-native English speakers but native English speakers who are interested in meeting people and learning about different cultures.
Brondell encourages students to pair up with a member who they do not know and who is from a different country to promote connections within the program.
The collaboration aspect of this program extends beyond student-to-student interactions to include guidance from past and current Clemson University faculty, according to Brondell.