Star Blevins, Art Director
As the new year rolls around, so has the tradition of New Year’s resolutions. Around this time, about two weeks in, you might have pushed a few to the backburner. That’s okay, I’ll start my seven-day Fike workout regimen next month too, right along with my strict keto-high carb-no Cook Out diet.
Yeah… maybe next year.
Don’t lose hope! Sometimes what comes with dropping a few less-than-realistic resolutions is adding some new ones in.
In these turbulent times, I would encourage all of us to make it a point to be more informed, active members of society. This is not to say you must rush to fight for change while also juggling the demands of your busy life (though if you feel so inclined, by all means).
What I mean is to make a simple but deliberate effort to seek out information on the causes that you care about. The strife in the world that makes your blood boil or your heart shrink. Whether or not you decide to act on your cause of choice, being informed is half the battle.
Now, there’s no one right place to start when it comes to being informed, especially not with the countless periodicals out there.
However, I can recommend a place to start for you and all Clemson fans alike: The Tiger.
Why a local student newspaper, written by up-and-coming journalists over a national newspaper, written by seasoned professionals? That right there is why. Since 1907, we have been your local paper. We write for you, not for profit. We write on the topics that we all care about — from Clemson Football in the press box to student government meetings in the chambers.
And like other news organizations, The Tiger also works for you. We are your ‘watchdog’ of local government, which in our case is the Clemson administration. We cover campus affairs closely because that is what is often overlooked by outside reporters. But most of all, it is because that is what most affects you — the students, parents, faculty members or local residents.
I encourage you to make it a resolution to not only be more informed about campus affairs, but also take apart in them.
Lastly, as this new semester begins, remember that each day is another opportunity to grow. New Year’s is not the only time to make a change, be it big or small. I wish you all the best of luck in fulfilling your resolutions!
David Ferrara is a junior economics and philosophy major. You can reach him at [email protected] or on Twitter, @davidferrara23.