Will you be voting in the CUSG elections?
“Yes, because I have actually always been interested in politics. This year I actually have a friend from one of my clubs that’s doing it, and I think it’s really cool that I know somebody.” — Becky Dorminy, a sophomore accounting major“I will. I think it’s important. One of my friends last year got very involved in the process, and everyone has a good platform, so I want to read up more on the candidates.” — Brennan Keimig, a senior marketing major“I plan to. If I don’t, it’s because I forgot to or didn’t hear about it on the day.” — Simon Draper, a freshman computer science major“I don’t really know who’s running, but I have always voted in the past. Usually, the day before, I’ll do some research about the candidates and what their positions are and how they fit with my positions.” — Jon Alexander, a senior forest resource management major“Probably, because my friends are running in it. Clark is one of my friends and he’s running.” — Riya Hari, a sophomore health science major“Yes, because I think it’s important that everyone votes since it affects all of us.” — Emily Franz, a freshman nursing major
Kylie Tutterrow, Asst. Outlook Editor, Madison Akers, Columnist and Jeanais Mitchell, Contributor compiled this week’s responses.