David Ferrara // Know-it-all
Clemson student will be awarded football tickets based on GPA.
Big changes are coming to the way student football tickets are awarded for this fall semester, just as has been the case for the past decade.
The lottery system will stay; however, entries will now be based on grades, according to Athletic Director Grum Nuff. Students will receive one entry for every credit hour in which they earned a B and two entries for every credit hour in which they earned an A.
Season tickets will only be available to students in the Honors College.
As for freshmen, entries will be based on high school class rank, with those who graduated in the top 5% of their class receiving three entries, those in the top 10% receiving two and all other students receiving one.
Bridge students will be permanently ineligible for football tickets, even those who successfully bridge over.
All STEM students will automatically receive one entry for every class they pass, in addition to any entries earned for grades, in an attempt to make the system fairer. In the same vein, business students will only receive entries for classes in which they earned an A.