Courtesy Clemson Parking and Transportation Services
The proposed alignment path of the new Gold Route. The route will connect the Crawford Falls and Publix areas with east campus, providing relief for Red Route commuters and increasing access for on campus students looking for groceries, medicines or just a meal out.
Clemson Parking and Transportation Services recently announced plans for a new CATbus route next fall to help with crowding on the Red Route. They are seeking public feedback on the proposed route, with a student information session on Monday and an online feedback option.
The new Gold Route will run from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, providing increased bus access to the Publix area and apartment complexes, including Crawford Falls, Tillman Place and GrandMarc. It will provide service every 10 minutes in the mornings from 7-11 a.m. and in the evenings from 2-6 p.m., with afternoon buses coming once every 20 minutes from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This will allow the Red Route to skip the Kelly Road and Crawford Falls stops while the new route runs, helping the Red Route stay on time and be less crowded during the busiest times of the week. However, the Red Route will still serve Kelly Road and stop at Crawford Falls on nights and weekends when the Gold Route isn’t running.
Parking Services also hopes this new route will provide students on campus or without vehicles better access to community services, such as CVS Pharmacy and Publix.
The new route will start at the bus stop on Cherry Road near the High Rises, going north to a stop at the Douthit light, then turning right on SC 93 and turning left onto US 76 to the next stop in front of GrandMarc.
It then goes up US 76 to a stop by the CVS, then turns right onto US 123, stopping in front of Truist Bank, providing access to the entire Publix shopping complex with various services such as a gym, nail salon and restaurants.
Turning right up the ramp to get back on SC 93 towards campus, it stops near Moe Joe Coffee and Habeneros, then turns onto Kelly Road with stops at Crawford Edge and Crawford Falls. After a final stop next to PKA and the Roller Mills Smokehouse trailer, the route turns back onto 93 to head back into campus, going down McMillian Rd to return to the Cherry Road bus stop.
A trip on the bus from the GrandMarc stop all the way around to the Cherry Road bus stop should take approximately 10 minutes.
When the Gold Route is running, the Red Route won’t stop between the Douthit light and the Bojangles, meaning area residents looking to go further than campus while the Gold Route is running will need to transfer to the Red Route at the Douthit light.
Clemson Area Transit will run the new route, meaning it will be free to all students and community members.
Clemson Parking Services is currently seeking public feedback on this proposed route. They are hosting student information sessions from 1-3 p.m. in the McKissick Theater in Hendrix on Monday, April 18.
You can also submit comments and view plan details on the Clemson Parking and Transit website.
Link to the website: https://www.clemson.edu/campus-life/parking/transit/community-routes/gold-route.html