Katie Bradham, Photo Editor
Banner drop for student body elections
Well, it’s that time again: the 2023 Clemson Undergraduate Student Government elections are opening, and it’s crucial that you, as a student, vote when ballots become available.
This is an election that is specifically meant to provide undergraduate students at Clemson University with the chance to vote for the candidates that they want to see representing the student body as a whole.
The student government provides an opportunity for students to let their voices be heard and is capable of bridging the gap between students and faculty. It is a chance to share your opinions about your university and inspire change on campus.
If you’re an undergraduate student at Clemson University, ask yourself what changes you would like to see in the next year. What can our university do to grow and become a better environment for students?
Do you have ideas that you wish you could share with university administrators but just don’t know where to start? Well, that’s where CUSG comes into play.
In order to make your ideas a reality, it’s important that you become familiar with the new candidates for this upcoming election and choose the person who you believe will best represent the student body and hear our ideas.
It’s our time to vote.
As election time becomes closer, stay on the lookout for the latest information regarding CUSG through The Tiger or through the CUSG website.
Madison Akers is a junior english major from Easley, South Carolina. Madison can be reached at [email protected].