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Pixar’s “Soul”: A movie for your soul


Photo Via Disney+

After experimenting with charging customers to watch the new “Mulan” movie, Disney+ released their new Pixar movie, “Soul”, to all paying customers. The film, which Disney released on Christmas Day, hosts a star-studded cast and some of the greatest animation of the year. 

The story follows Joe Gardner, played by Jamie Foxx, who is a jazz pianist in New York City. When he finds himself in the Great Before, where humans get their personalities and interests, he wants nothing more than to get back to his life on Earth. Before he can go back to the land of the living, however, he must help 22 (Tina Fey), a cynical soul who doesn’t understand the joys of life, find her passion. 

Although the characters’ zany adventure is enough to make viewers of any age laugh, the film, made by the creators of “Inside Out” and “Coco”, teaches important life lessons as well. Joe Gardner spends the majority of the film trying to convince 22 how great life is, all while rediscovering it for himself as well. The two unlikely friends help each other to discover their true passions and experience the little things that make life worth living.

On top of the beautiful storyline, “Soul” has some of Pixar’s greatest animation to date. The detailed city streets and shops look almost like photographs and the characters are individualistic and diverse, making it easy to forget that you’re watching an animated film. But the film does not just take place on earth. The writers and animators were able to use their boundless imagination to bring the dreamy and whimsical Great Beyond to life, where the characters are made with line art and the landscape looks like cotton candy. The two settings are wonderful in their own ways and it’s entertaining to watch the characters move between them. 

This movie is great for families or anyone who needs a pick-me-up from the struggles of daily life. It reminds viewers that joy can be found in the simplest things, from watching the wonders of the sky to eating a slice of pepperoni pizza. During a time when every day can be a struggle, we could all use a reminder to take time to appreciate where we are, the lives we get to live, and the joys of life that we all get to experience.

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