After writing about my own favorite snacks, I found myself to be really interested in what the rest of the staff loves to eat! I found out that there was a large spread of favorite snacks to be had. I also asked the staff why they love their favorite snack. Without further ado, some of The Tiger staff’s favorite snacks!
Popcorn: This is the preferred snack of our Sports Editor, Megan Kinner, as well as Erin Rassel, a senior staff copy editor, who says her “favorite snack is popcorn because it’s super easy to make and relatively healthier than chips!”
Hummus: This snack is Julia Korn, the sports assistant editor’s, favorite because “baby carrots are so fun to just munch on and Sabra hummus is the best so it makes for a perfect snack.” Caleb Brower, our photo editor, says that hummus is his favorite snack because “it goes well with veggies, pita, naan, pretzels and more. It also makes me feel healthy.”
Honey mustard Pringles: Sam Connell is our Outlook editor and this is her favorite snack because “honey mustard pringles solve all your problems, especially if you are not sober. I recently discovered them last fall and continue to keep them on hand.”
Goldfish: Rebecca West is our Editor-in-Chief and she says that this iconic snack is her favorite snack because “Goldfish, aside from being perfectly bite-sized and magically delicious, is a snack made for happiness. Even the logo, ‘the snack that smiles back,’ encourages laughter and joy, and no matter if you’re down in the dumps or just looking for a good time, Goldfish are an edible pathway to simple and enjoyable times. They’ve got the taste, adorableness and nostalgia to put a smile on your face every time you eat them.”
Trail Mix: Cole Little, one of our copy editors, enjoys this snack because he “enjoys the variety of food presented by trail mix.”
Buffalo Chicken Dip: Meghan Burk, TimeOut senior staff writer, says this is her favorite because “it’s so good from Publix.”
Chocolate Chip Cookies: Assistant Sports Editor Justin Robertson says this is his go-to snack because “they are the most consistently amazing snack out there.”
BBQ Chips: This is the favorite snack of Assistant Outlook Editor Sophie Steele.
Cheez-Its: Here it is, the most popular snack choice. Outlook Senior Staff Writer Defiance Yenovkian as well as Assistant News Editor Dawson Baker note this as one of their favorite snacks. Associate Editor Frances Kirk also loves these delightful squares because “yummy yummy in my tummy.”
That $1 French Bread from Wal-Mart: Senior News Reporter Caroline Elswick notes this as her end-all-be-all snack because it’s “good and cheap.”
Aldi Brand Pringles: Akim Koutsioukis, our TimeOut editor, acclaims this as his ideal snack.
Candied Strawberries: News Layout Editor, Healey Lucier, says these are the best snack because “they’re so good omg.”
Chocolate Covered Almonds: This is what Copy Editor Hannah Sparks says is her favorite snack because “they’re salty, sweet and crunchy.”
Chocolate Chips: This snack is the favorite of several of our staff members, including Social Media Director Elizabeth O’Donnell “because they are sweet and satisfy your craving without actually being too much sugar!” Copy Chief Sydney Ford says that these along with chips are her favorite snacks because they are “easy to snack on.”