I love everything quintessentially American: apple pie, vanilla ice cream and, of course, baseball.
Love reminds me of baseball because, after all, it’s a classic, and it’s definitely a game. Just like in baseball, you have a team. Your significant other is your team.
You have to play together to win because if one of you loses, you both lose. You have to support one another, and if they happen to make a mistake in the game, you can’t hold it over their heads. You have to let the grudges go. You have to go forward and play the best game you can possibly play.
You also have fans and critics, those people who are looking for you to fail. They mingle in the crowd, but it’s not hard to pick them out. Your fans are your family and friends who see how your teammate makes you happy, and they are happy for you. The people who are looking for you to lose and give up are the ones who are jealous of what you have. Don’t let this get to you. The moment you let other people into your head is the moment you’re going to lose the game.
This is on the field and off the field, as well. In a relationship, both teammates must show support for each other and cheer each other on. Homeruns don’t happen every time. Ladies, be supportive — be his cheerleader. Guys, be her biggest fan and let her know how much you appreciate everything she does for you. Baseball and relationships can be messy, and a little appreciation can go a long way.
“Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
Everyone is going to strike out sometimes. I’ve struck out. It takes time for you and your partner to get in the swing of things. They have to get to know the field, and you can’t get mad if they can’t find the sweet spot to hit the ball. Just give it a few times, and don’t forget to practice.
Taking risks is part of the game, so don’t be afraid to try something new. Say, “Tell me what more I could do to turn you on. What’s something you want to try, even if it’s weird?” That’s literally all you have to do. When you’re comfortable enough to have sex with someone, then you should be comfortable enough to tell them what you want and when you want it. Am I right, or am I right?
If you haven’t joined a team yet, or if you have and haven’t tried for a homerun yet, then don’t swing unless you see something you like. This if for girls and guys: you don’t have to swing at everything you see. Things may not work out; it can be too fast, or the pitch may look like it’s not for you and on some occasions you might get hit in the face — figuratively of course. But when this does happen, remember that these aren’t the only pitches you’re going to get. You’re going to get plenty of opportunities to knock one out of the park with the right one.
When your team is losing, it may seem that the best idea you can come up with is to lie, cheat and steal, but don’t. However, if you do have to, lie with your teammate in bed and nap on rainy days, cheat time because there is never enough with your partner and steal away their sadness because that’s what teammates are supposed to do. You can’t throw in the towel when things start getting tough.
So remember the rules of the game, and always try to hit that homerun — or at least get on base. You never know what’ll happen until you take a swing.