“Speak Up!” is a weekly collection of student opinions on relevant topics around campus. The Tiger interviews randomly selected students to hear their thoughts on the question at hand.
This week, reporters went to the center of campus, Library Bridge, to hear student opinions.
This time, The Tiger asked: “Have you ever changed your major?”
Here’s what students had to say about it:

“I’ve never changed my major. I’ve never considered changing my major. Although, I could say I came close to considering it at some points and some of the hard classes in the beginning, like the weed outs. Other than that, I’ve known what I wanted to do since I was like six or seven years old. So, it’s been a pretty straightforward path. It helps when you have a goal in mind like that.”
— Adam Krasnecki, senior mechanical engineering major

“No, I haven’t. I wanted to go into biochemistry mostly because I feel like it’s a great pathway to start for like medical school… (it) seemed like it would be good because I want to be a dermatologist. So, like, formulating like skincare stuff and like, you would have to know the molecular biology and stuff behind it and like, chemistry and stuff.”
— Kaylee White, freshman biochemistry major

“I have. I went from psychology to sports communication, but I was in bridge, so we didn’t have sports comm. So, I had to go through the whole process of applying to sports comm. I kind of knew I wanted to do it full-time.”
— Anne Marie Lessig, junior sports communication major

“I haven’t. I thought about it freshman year because I wasn’t sure what my major was really about yet. I’m a marketing major, so I guess I would have changed to like management or maybe like graphic design because I like advertising, but for the most part, I feel like marketing combines that all together”
— Abby Laine Polson, senior marketing major.