“Speak Up!” is a weekly collection of student opinions on relevant topics around campus. The Tiger interviews randomly selected students to hear their thoughts on the question at hand.
This week, reporters went to the center of campus, Library Bridge, to hear student opinions.
This time, The Tiger asked: “Do you think Clemson does a good job at facilitating activities for students and the community?”
Here’s what students had to say about it:

Chase Abod, a freshman general engineering major: “I’d say so. I think with the amount of clubs on campus and the amount of people we see outside the library and by the bridge talking about their different activities, I think so.”

Jerel Hendricks, a senior sports communication major: “Yeah, I think they do a great job because Clemson is a huge community. It’s part of the locals, and the school is a huge part, so I think you need that interconnectedness in order to continue to build this community, and I think that’s one of the most important things about Clemson and what makes it so appealing to both the locals and student population here.”

Abigail Morton, a senior elementary education major: “Yeah, I feel like they do. I get involved in a couple of different things around campus, and I feel like I’m always getting emails and stuff about opportunities to get involved.”

Leila Fisher, a senior elementary education major: “Yes, I think it does. Even though I may not be involved, I feel like many of my friends and peers are involved. You also get emails daily and weekly about what’s going on in the community and at the school, so I think they do a great job.”

Jordin Bell, a senior chemistry major: “I think they have some pretty good activities. I definitely think more so sororities and fraternities have a lot going on for them. I do think some majors would like to see some more activities that are for them, especially when you’re looking at humanities majors, but I think engineering and science majors have a lot going for them.”