The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been a part of the Clemson community for nearly 45 years. Founded in 1980 by a group of football players, Clemson FCA has become one of the largest chapters. FCA is a nonprofit, nondenominational, student-led ministry that encourages students to have encounters with God through its weekly Thursday night meetings. Its organization strives to promote community, serve the campus and glorify God.
FCA meets every Thursday at 9:19, which correlates with the Bible verse 1 Corinthians 9:19, “Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.” Each Thursday, FCA spends time in worship led by its worship band and listens to a local pastor or teacher who shares a message.
FCA also strives for students to make meaningful connections within small groups outside of the Thursday meetings. These small groups are gender specific and used to encourage students to grow in their faith.
One of the great things about FCA is that it is open to everyone and encourages everyone to experience joy and fellowship. One of the ways for FCA to reach people is through its various serve teams. With eight different teams serving in different areas, they are able to spread the gospel and create meaningful connections within the community. These teams include communications, creating visual elements, hosting events outside of Thursday nights, providing prayer and encouragement, worship, production, organizing and providing mission opportunities, as well as behind-the-scenes activities such as handling finances.
FCA also has various events during the semester, including a spring shag dance they put on, a service day where students serve around the Clemson area and designated prayer time in the Samuel J. Cadden Chapel that happens every Friday from 10 a.m. to noon.
FCA encourages students to share the gospel with their community through outreach teams. FCA also takes a mission trip during spring break every year. This year, the organization will send students to Pittsburgh to help with renovations, cleaning and sharing the gospel as they work with various ministries. FCA meets at NewSpring Church and occasionally meets in the amphitheater for its Thursday night meetings.