Here are the highlights from this April’s board of trustees meeting, which occurred on April 20 and 21 at the Madren Center.
Parking garage teased
Clemson Facilities told the board of trustees that a plan for a 2,000-space parking garage at the corner of Perimeter Road and the new Williamson Road would be presented at the July board meeting. This garage is the keystone of Clemson Parking and Transportation Services’ future plan for parking at the University.
Parking lots
The board approved two new parking lots to be built over the summer. The first will be built by the fields next to Lightsey Bridge and will move Clemson Bridge students out of C-1. The other is an expansion of the P5 park and ride lot. The two lots will add almost 700 parking spaces between them.
Vet college receives additional funding
The new College of Veterinary Medicine was allocated five times the budget the University requested from the South Carolina Senate Finance Committee. While the final number is expected to come down from the currently proposed $12.5 million, the state legislature supports the formation of this new program.
Architecture and construction split from Humanities
The Board approved the division of the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities into the College of Architecture, Art and Construction and the College of Arts and Humanities. George J. Peterson will be the interim dean of Architecture, Art and Construction, while Nicholas Vazsonyi will continue to lead the College of Arts and Humanities.
Littlejohn expansion teased
The Board was told to expect a plan to expand Littlejohn and the Swann Pavilion at the next meeting in July. Expanding practice facilities will improve the ability of teams to practice simultaneously, especially with the new gymnastics program placing demands on the use of the main floor.
No mention of the Hill
There was no mention of the renovations to the Hill to be done this summer during the board’s public session.
The board of trustees discussed various topics at their quarterly meeting in April.