“There is not an issue that is not valid enough,” CAPS Director Birmagidra Gainor said.”Different presenting issues require different interventions.”
The CAPS program can assist in individual therapy, group therapy, group skill development, mental health screenings and more. For times of crisis between 4:30 p.m. and 8 a.m., students can call 864-656-2451 and select option two to get in contact with a clinician.
Group meetings range in matters from skill building to the processing of specific concerns. At this point in time, groups meet virtually. However, due to Clemson being deemed no longer a “high transmission area,” groups are expected to resume in-person meetings next school year.
Additionally, a fairly new resource Clemson has to offer is called Therapy Assistance Online. TAO provides interactive sessions, exercises to practice mindfulness and more included in their array of over 150 sessions. Topics cover many different aspects of mental health and well-being. To register or learn more, visit https://us.taoconnect.org/register
No student should feel they must struggle alone. To reach out to CAPS for appointments, consultations or any other concern, call 864-656-2451.