After surveying The Tiger staff to discover the best classes to take at Clemson, I found a wide array of the top-rated General Education and Leisure Skill courses. If you’re ever looking for an extra class to add to your schedule or are a freshman unsure of which classes to take, check out this list of classes anyone can take at Clemson.
Best General Education Courses:
COMM-1500: Introduction to Human Communication
PHIL-1010: Introduction to Philosophic Problems
PHIL-3450: Environmental Ethics
CH-1010: General Chemistry
ENGL-2150: Literature in 20th and 21st Century Context
PSYC-3060: Human Sexual Behavior
PSYC-2010: Introduction to Psychology
POSC-1030: Introduction to Political Theory
SOC-2010: Introduction to Sociology
Best Leisure Skill Courses:
LS-1850: Bowling
LS-1870: Frisbee Sports
LS-1980: Golf
LS-2450: Pilates
LS-1790: Scuba I
LS-1580: Archery
LS-2420: Meditation and Relaxation
LS-2270: Introduction to Swing Dance
LS-2350: Basic Yoga