Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Spring break is finally here at last, and I don’t think anyone could be happier about it.
Well, unless you’re one of the unfortunate souls stuck on campus during everyone’s week off. That’s right, not everyone can afford to go on a cruise or down to Cancun every year, so there will be some people who have to take one for the team while everyone else has fun over the break. Don’t fear though, there is still plenty to do on campus while everyone else is away!
Enjoy some freaking peace and quiet.
As someone who lives on campus, you can probably agree with me that Clemson can be a pretty loud place. Whether it be those guys living above who like to loudly argue with their significant others at three in the morning, or those drunken girls coming from a late night party, there isn’t too much rest for anyone while school is going on.
So, while every obnoxious person on campus is away living it up in Florida, just take it all in all that silence while you can, because lord knows it won’t be around long enough. If you can’t handle the silence, take solace in the fact that you can now blast any kind of music you want relatively scorn free as well (insert shameless plug for the soundtrack to “Hamilton” here)!
Play Frisbee golf on the “Thomas Green Clemson” Course
While the quiet is nice, sitting around meditating in your room will get boring after a while, so go outdoors for a bit! A great recommendation for fun across all age groups would be playing a game of Frisbee golf on campus!
Referred to as the Thomas Green Clemson Course, these holes will take you all over campus on a fun tour of all the university’s biggest sites. Don’t worry if you aren’t any good either, with everyone away, there will be a significantly smaller chance to give a concussion to a random passerby or destroy too much property.
Have a Nerf gun war in Cooper Library
The massive Cooper library is going to be pretty empty come next week, so why not take advantage of that fact in the coolest way possible? The librarians might not agree, but much like a ninja, the best Nerf battles are fast and furious, ending right before they overstay their welcome. That being said, it would probably be best if you decided to keep it on the lower floors, just to be safe.
If you’re worried about the lack of participation, no worries! It is absolutely (not) statistically proven that if you hand anyone a Nerf gun, they WILL shoot it at someone.
Go to Fike
Who are we kidding, no one is actually going to do that. However, it wouldn’t hurt to at least consider walking over half way to work out before getting tired and heading back to your room.
Cook something new
Now that you have nothing at all to do, consider actually cooking something
for once! Without the pressure of your roommates possibly bursting into the room when your dish inevitably catches on fire, you might actually have the courage to pull off something wonderful!
Or, you know, you could just go over to Chipotle again and have something that is significantly less burnt.