Nothing could be finer than being a Clemson tiger, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than with y’all. This past year has been difficult because no one does well in calculus and everything is changing.
Our university is growing and developing, and Tigers, so are we. As we embark on this next great, some things will still remain the same.
Do you remember in high school when we were freshmen and when an upperclassman talked to us, our lives somehow got better and our days got brighter? The incoming freshman class is going to feel the same way when they’re trying to figure out where Brackett auditorium is (because there’s 100 ways to do so) or when they don’t know where to sit in the dining hall. Be there for them like someone was there for you. Remember, freshmen are your friends. Not a food ticket that will swipe you into Schilleter for ice cream.
You can do anything that you set your mind and heart to. We’ve learned that with the Sikes Sit In; they set their minds to making a change, and they’re getting the change they deserve. We’re going to look back at this year and think that we were there when history was being made. We made Clemson a better place, not just for ourselves, but for those who are going to be here long after we’re gone gracing the Daniel Hall with our presences.
I’m sad to leave Clemson because this is home for so many of us. It’s always nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of classes, but when it’s all said and done, there’s no place I would rather be than Clemson. Even though I complain about how overpopulated library bridge is, I’m going to miss it.
This year I’ve learned a lot about myself, like all people do in college. I learned that you could find the person you’re meant to be with here because I’ve found mine. He may be a pain sometimes, but I wouldn’t trade him for all of the lower deck football tickets in Death Valley and a kiss from Deshaun Watson.
We met at the Tiger newspaper, so maybe that’s your cue that you should come join us and test your luck at finding love in our cozy, little newsroom. He’s a sweetheart who brings me White Mochas in the library because he knows they’re my favorite, and I’m that girlfriend who will wash his clothes and clean his room while he’s at class. Clemson brought me to him and to this wonderful paper.
Also, it’s okay if you can’t find the perfect roommates or the apartment of your dreams. I have had this problem this year, but I’ve decided next year that I’m just going to let these worries go and live the best way I can. I get to live with Amanda, and she’s my person.
We also get to live in a beautiful house in Aspen that y’all are welcome to if you don’t use too much water and electricity because that’s expensive. Sorry.
But anyway, it’s OK if you didn’t have the best living situation this year. You have time to figure it out. You have time to find the affordable, nice house that is close enough to campus so you won’t be late for classes and close enough to the bars so you can walk home after a rough night at Triple T’s.
And in addition to this wonderful life advice I’m giving you, remember that you’re never going to have the schedule you want. Take classes that you’re going to love. Don’t take a random class that fills a requirement and is at a suitable time for you because once you leave Clemson, you’re never going to be able to take a class for the hell of it.
I’ve had many days when I think that I’m going to fall to the floor and drop dead, but then I think how lucky I am to be here with y’all and to be able to meet new people and look out over our reflection pond from the library (when they don’t drain it the week before finals, thanks Clemson). Everything is going to be good. Although most of are leaving Clemson for the summer, we still have this magnificent place in our hearts and the friends you made here through the years will always be there for you.
So Tigers, this isn’t a goodbye because I don’t think I can ever say goodbye to any of you and Clemson, but this is a CU soon and have
a nice summer!