Jordan Greene is a freshman exploring Clemson and playing in Doug Kingsmore Stadium for his first season. He is doing well, and his plays on both offense and defense made Tiger fans proud in the series against Pittsburgh. When he is not practicing and preparing for the games, you can find the fresh-faced No. 9 at Esso Club eating 50-cent chicken tenders on Thursday nights. The rookie third baseman looks up to the veterans on his team and says he feels comfortable with Eli White being his left hand man.
Tiger Sports (TS): If we didn’t know anything about you, what would you want us to know at the end of this interview?
Jordan Greene (JG): I like to shop, even though I don’t always dress the part. I like Express, it’s probably my favorite store.
TS:What do you consider the strongest part of your game?
JG: I know it’s kind of avoiding the question, but I feel pretty confident about all parts of my game. My role at the plate is pretty easy: turn the lineup over, get the leadoff guy back up. I have to make productive hits at the bottom of the lineup, just keep it going. In the field, they are all routine plays, nothing too hard.
TS:Which pro player do you admire the most? Do you admire another player on the team?
JG: I admire a lot of guys on the team. I really like watching Eli [White] play. He’s a great shortstop and it’s nice having him to your left. My favorite pro player is probably Brandon Phillips. He’s a great defensive second baseman. He does everything, and I try to imitate my game after him.
TS: Why did you choose Clemson?
JG: Well when I came down here on my recruiting visit, I met Tyler Krieger and Steven Duggar in the locker room and they were just really cool guys. Meeting them and talking to them, talking to Seth was just a really cool experience that none of the other places offered.
TS: What’s been your favorite part about playing here so far?
JG: Playing is my favorite part about being here. You come here and you have to earn everything you get.
TS:What has it been like transitioning from high school to college?
JG: It’s definitely different, the game’s a lot faster, that’s for sure.
Really though, it is the same game you have been playing
your whole life, guys you’ve been playing with, it’s just different teams.
TS: If you could tell the Clemson family one thing, what would it be?
JG:Go Tigers and come out to all the baseball games.