Does anything seem better than buying a slice of pizza for $1 on a Wednesday after a day filled with classes? Does anything sound more satisfying than pizza after a long Saturday night with friends? But which pizza restaurant in downtown Clemson is capable of offering a $1 pizza slice and the ultimate Saturday night experience to Clemson students?
The restaurant that can offer all of these deals and experiences is Todaro Pizza. This restaurant is a small, tucked-away establishment off College Avenue, with a much larger impact than its exterior shows. With hours ranging from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. earlier in the week to 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. later in the week, Todaro has become a go-to establishment for many students at Clemson.
It is not solely the quality of the pizza itself or the hours of operation that cause students to gravitate to Todaro. According to a Todaro Pizza employee, it is the “friendly atmosphere after a night out” that brings people to the pizza shop.
The owners of Todaro are Clemson alumni and have been contributing to the Clemson community since 2000. Coming from New Jersey with an already-popular recipe, they wanted to offer a slice of the Northeast to the Clemson community. Over the past 25 years, Todaro’s owners and employees have created a unique and inviting atmosphere that has become a special part of Clemson students’ college experiences.
Todaro has won the award of best pizza in Clemson for multiple years in a row, proving its historical popularity. This long-lasting popularity can be attributed to its special environment.
Even with various pizza establishments in downtown Clemson, it is clear that no one else does it like Todaro Pizza.
Mon: 11 a.m.-Midnight
Tue: 11 a.m.-1 a.m.
Wed-Sat: 11 a.m.-3 a.m.
Sun: 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
105 Sloan St.
Clemson, SC 29631
Phone: (864) 654 3001 // @todaropizza (Instagram) // Todaro Pizza (Facebook & X)