Are you looking to expand your collection of Clemson merchandise? Look no further than the marquee letters that will lead you into Tiger Sports Shop. This year’s Best Clemson Store winner, Tiger Sports Shop, offers everything that you need to showcase your Tiger pride.
Tiger Sports Shop opened in 1974 and has been a staple of Clemson ever since. It has everything from classic T-shirts to a Lululemon collaboration, in addition to countless stickers, water bottles and dog toys. No matter what it is that you are looking for, Tiger Sports Shop has it.
“We’re a family-owned and locally-owned store, which allows us to connect more to the customers,” assistant store manager Emily Padgett told The Tiger.
The next time you’re planning to dress your best in an orange and purple outfit, make sure to check out Tiger Sports Shop, the best Clemson store in Tigertown.
Mon-Sat: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sun: Noon-6 p.m.
364 College Ave.
Clemson, SC 29631
Phone: (800) 933-7297 // @tigersportsshop (Instagram) // @TigerSportsShop (Facebook and X)