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The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

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Opinion: Winning over climate change non-believers

Snehal Lopes, Contributor November 26, 2020

Climate change is not a myth or a conspiracy theory. It is a real thing, scientists say. It’s been shouted from the rooftops and written on the skyline, but many make the choice to stand amongst...

Outlook General Graphic

Opinion: Would you rather be a good person or a happy person?

Nick Rosado, Contributor November 22, 2020

When I was an inductee for my fraternity, I interviewed several brothers and all my fellow inductees. Out of my eight questions, there was one that almost everybody answered the same—Would you rather...

Outlook General Graphic

Letter to the editor: Discontinuing cross country and track is a travesty

Teever Handal, Contributor November 22, 2020

Edit on Dec. 1, 2020: The title of the article was changed from "cross county" to "cross country."I am a Tiger, class of ‘85. Recently I found out from friends on Facebook that Clemson University...


Opinion: Thanksgiving is underrated

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer November 15, 2020

As the fall season rolls around and everyone is beginning to become excited about Christmas, it is easy to forget about Thanksgiving, which can bring about the same, if not more, joy and excitement. Thanksgiving...

Spill the Beans is a popular ice cream shop in downtown Clemson. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, they are serving all customers outside the shop via a counter placed at the door.

Opinion: Customer service jobs

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer November 11, 2020

Having a job, no matter your age or education status, is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of life. All jobs come with pros and cons, however as most would agree there is one type of job that...

Bowman Field on a sunny day 

Opinion: Thanksgiving move-outs

Emily Rogers, Outlook Senior Staff Writer November 11, 2020

Six weeks is how long students were taught on Clemson’s campus. Now, at Thanksgiving, it is time to go home and back to online classes. Will your Gen Ed credit go back to asynchronous or stay synchronous?...


Opinion: Online classes are a gateway to procrastination

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer November 2, 2020

Most would agree that there are many pros and cons that come with online classes and even school in general. There are many positives to take away from the unique experience of virtual learning and there...


Opinion: Please quarantine

Emily Rogers, Outlook Senior Staff Writer November 2, 2020

Here’s an understatement: Quarantining is not fun. For those of us who regularly experience FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), it’s a nightmare. I am definitely one of those people scared of not being...

Spirit Halloween storefront 

Opinion: The Spirit Halloween takeover is a staple of fall

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 29, 2020

As Halloween rolls around the corner and everyone is getting excited about decorating their dorms and houses and finding costumes for themselves…and of course their pets, Spirit Halloween seems to...


Opinion: Changing majors

Anna Transou, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 20, 2020

Forced to blindly choose a program fresh out of high school, it’s no surprise that about 30% of undergraduate students end up switching their major at least once within the first three years of college....


Opinion: There is still fall fun to be had even in the midst of COVID-19

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 20, 2020

There are many aspects of our everyday life that are being altered by COVID-19. Things that we all take for granted such as gathering with friends, going to dinner with family and even going to class have...

One recycling bin on campus

Opinion: Recycling on campus

Anna Transou, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 18, 2020

Despite learning about recycling in those Earth Day seminars we had once a year throughout elementary and middle school, I didn't really get into the habit of recycling until my freshman year of college....

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