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The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger


Opinion: Astrology: fun, fake, or for real?

Anna Transou, Outlook Senior Staff Writer September 16, 2020

I never really cared for astrology while growing up. Despite my ethnic background of Gypsy-Romani, my logic-driven mind couldn’t comprehend how the stars and planets above me influenced my day-to-day...


Opinion: Neuralink is still science-fiction

Davis White, TimeOut Senior Staff Writer September 7, 2020

Just adding to the strange, unpredictable pileup of incidents that have been 2020, Elon Musk’s Neuralink demo on August 28th promised that the man behind Tesla, SpaceX and the Boring Company has...


Opinion: Tattoos and interviews

Sophie Steele, Asst. Outlook Editor September 7, 2020

Growing up, I’m sure a lot of people heard the same warnings I did about getting tattoos. “Don’t forget they’re permanent,” “be careful where you get it when you start...


Opinion: An age of addiction

Anna Transou, Outlook Senior Staff Writer September 7, 2020

Hi, my name is Anna and I’m an addict. Truthfully, I think I have been since the age of 16, but these past months of increased isolation and self-reflection allowed me to finally admit it to myself....


Opinion: The mask mandate has a new force behind it

Emily Rogers, Outlook Senior Staff Writer August 31, 2020

It is a good thing for us all that the City of Clemson’s Police Department is enforcing the mask mandate. If you are one of the numerous examples made for us all on Aug. 21 and 22, thank you for...


Opinion: How to date in Clemson amidst a pandemic

Anna Transou, Outlook Senior Staff Writer August 31, 2020

Since the nationwide recognition of COVID-19 back in March, social distancing and home-bound quarantines have undoubtedly thrown a wrench into everyone’s love lives. Whether you are in the market...

A Clemson student wears a mask on Bowman Field.

Letter from the editor: We need to do better during this pandemic

Rebecca West, Editor-in-Chief August 31, 2020

Well, Tigers, we’ve done it! We have completed the first full week of online classes from the comfort of our homes, our apartments and even our cars. Challenges vary from faulty wifi connections...


Opinion: Fresh air, fries, and socially-distant friends

Sophie Steele, Asst. Outlook Editor August 26, 2020

With all the changes happening in our world this year, now, more than ever, it is important to find bursts of comfort and familiarity. One thing that I have learned from all the social distancing and COVID-19...


Opinion: Buy a stamp and wear a mask

Samantha Connell, Outlook Editor August 26, 2020

It’s no secret that our return to Clemson is accompanied by several national outcries. After living through months of faulty government leadership and nationwide confusion, students are now adding...


Opinion: The pros and cons of online classes

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer August 26, 2020

When it comes to the dreaded topic of online classes, there is no denying where the opinions of most people lie. The people who truly enjoy and look forward to online instruction are very few and far in...

Outlook General Graphic

Opinion: Battling an invisible enemy

Jonathan Smith, Asst. Sports Editor May 24, 2020

This article was written by a student of ENGL 3330: Writing for the News Media, which is taught by Mike Pulley.At 21 years old, I have lived in four different decades, two different centuries and two different...

Outlook General Graphic

Opinion: Unbreakable, unshaken, and unstoppable during the COVID-19 pandemic

Anna Reid Hutsell, Contributor May 24, 2020

This article was written by a student of ENGL 3330: Writing for the News Media, which is taught by Mike Pulley.  I’m standing here on the edge of reason. Caught in between reality and make-believe....

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