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The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger


Opinion: Is fall break pointless?

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 20, 2019

The popular reaction around campus when it comes to fall break is definitely surrounded by excitement. However, not many people take into consideration how short the actual break is, how they might have...


Opinion: Reduce stress on students

Geoff Gilson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 20, 2019

For many, life at Clemson is one long adventure, embodying the Clemson spirit of which we are all so proud. For many others, however, it is not so much a never-ending experience of joy as a succession...


Opinion: Choosing a major is more difficult than college itself

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 16, 2019

If you walked across campus and randomly asked students what their majors are, you would get responses such as engineering, biology, chemistry, business, nursing, etc.However, what most of these students...


Opinion: Clemson is overcrowded

Sarah Ann Johnson, Assistant Outlook Editor October 7, 2019

Clemson is overcrowding us, and it’s affecting our overall college experience.Clemson added over 8,000 new students to campus this year, which is more than it ever has in past years. Admittance into...


Opinion: The Board of Trustees lacks students

Geoff Gilson, Outlook Senior Staff Member October 7, 2019

Clemson students provide $400 million of the $800 million annual operating expenditure of Clemson University. As a result, they have an extensive wish-list of quite reasonable spending demands. The number...


Opinion: Who wants to go house hunting?

Sophie Steele, Outlook Senior Staff Writer October 6, 2019

It’s that time of year again. Underclassmen are ready to move off campus and are apartment searching, while those already in apartments have to make the decision to either stay where they are or...


Opinion: Clemson should honor Col. Ben Skardon

Austin Schlueter, Contributor October 6, 2019

This past March, at the young age of 101, Col. Ben Skardon participated in his 12th Bataan Memorial Death March in New Mexico. A World War II and Korean War Veteran, Col. Skardon walks each year to commemorate...


Opinion: Tailgating – football season would not be the same without it

Emily Hudson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer September 29, 2019

As football season is kicking into high drive, and everyone is participating in game days, there is one trend that brings everyone together: tailgating. This is a pastime that has been around for many...


Opinion: Decolonize universities?

Geoff Gilson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer September 29, 2019

There are currently active campaigns in both the U.S. and the U.K. to “decolonize” universities. The apparent intention is to remove all paraphernalia associated with any sort of colonial or...


Opinion: Is CU 1000 a waste of time?

Geoff Gilson, Outlook Senior Staff Writer September 23, 2019

Raise your hand if you think CU 1000 is completely useless. Be honest. C’mon, isn’t CU 1000 just a course about stuff we can find online, a course which gives us no credits, and takes up hours...


Opinion: Wild weather

Sophie Steele, Outlook Senior Staff Writer September 23, 2019

The weather has been a wild roller-coaster since September started. Brief teases of cool fall air turn into scorching heat in what feels like a few seconds. This would be less of an issue if all the buildings...


Study Abroad at Clemson: the how’s and the why’s

Kayla Elkin, Copy Editor September 15, 2019

I knew before I graduated high school that I was going to study abroad in college. Yet, it took until the fall of my junior year to actually get me onto the airplane to Hyderabad, India. As jaded as the...

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