Many Clemson students participated in high school and youth sports.
Once entering college, the participation level steeply declines. Either Division I sports weren’t in the cards for you, or you didn’t have enough time to join a club sports team. Now it feels like the majority of students are characterized by the term “NARP” — a non-athletic regular person, to be exact. Intramural sports are a great way to continue your passion for athletics and meet
new people.
Intramural sports are designed to create a competitive environment and social outlet for students who want to have fun and compete against other college students.
They are what you make of them.
They can be as competitive or as relaxed as you want, and there are different leagues you can join depending on what you want your athletic experience to be.
Clemson offers students a wide variety of sports at different levels, so the options are endless. They give you the opportunity to branch out of your comfort zone and try out ones you never got the chance to before.
Many clubs and organizations create their own intramural sports teams as a way for their members to interact and build friendships, as well as stay active. You get to meet and befriend people of all different ages with a variety of interests and get to know them personally. Even if you aren’t in any other clubs, you can grab a group of friends and create your own team.
Aaron Saji, a freshman bioengineering major, joined Central Spirit’s intramural soccer team this spring. “My experience with soccer is little to none. I have never played soccer, but I enjoy it because it is a way to spend time with my friends and have fun with them.”
Intramural sports are also a way for busy college students to de-stress.
College can be a lot of work, and intramural sports can provide an outlet for people to clear their minds and relax.
“I am a bioengineering major, so my workload is pretty heavy and I do intramural sports to give myself a break,” Saji stated.
They are also a way to relive your “glory days” of high school athletics and have fun being active. Just because your course work is heavier and you’re no longer on a varsity team, that doesn’t mean that your athletic participation has to be over. Intramural sports are a great option to keep you active and involved in the competitions you love.