“Speak Up!” is a weekly collection of student opinions on relevant topics around campus. The Tiger interviews randomly selected students to hear their thoughts on the question at hand.
This week, reporters went to the center of campus, Library Bridge, to hear student opinions.
This time, The Tiger asked: “What’s a piece of advice you wish you heard when you first came to college?”
Here’s what students had to say about it:
“Make sure you know all of the campus resources that you have. Use everything you can. Do a lot of research on it; there are a lot of fun things you can do. There’s embroidery, 3D printing and a lot of stuff you can get for free, like Photoshop and Premiere. Learning and changing up your learning habits if you need to. Use resources like tutoring and PAL, too. It can really help you out.”
– Yash Patel, a senior computer science major
“School’s not as important as you think it is. You really want to maximize the fun times that you have. Not to say you should neglect school, but people tend to look back on college and say, ‘That was the best time of my life,’ you know?
There’s a lot of things you can do when you are going to be around people your age that are all your friends. There’s so many opportunities that you will just never have again. Don’t stress too much over school, and don’t miss out on fun things that you can do.”
– Austin Jameson, a senior computer science major